ABOUT ME: Yasmin Hussain
More about the subjects I am teaching:
Information and communication technology is now a mature part of the curriculum. Once restricted to upper secondary schools as “computer studies", ICT is now taught even to children in reception class. I am teaching computers to the primary level. I am also having self contend classes with ECED.i.e.
Early childhood education. It’s a subject for people who are passionate about helping young children grow and learn. Early childhood educators are responsible for preparing children from birth to the age of 8 for the formal education system.
My family consists of 9 members, my father, my mother, 3 brothers and 4 sisters including me. My father is a business man and my mother is a house wife.
I belong to Chitral, which is located in the North of Khyber Pakhtun Khawn (KPK).
The KPK Province is one of the four provinces of Pakistan, which lies between 31o 4’ and 36o 57’ N. latitude and 61o 16’ and 74o 07’ E. longitude. The province is bounded by Afghanistan in the North and west; parts of Baluchistan and Punjab provinces in the South; and Gilgit, Kashmir and the Province of Punjab in the East. It extends over an area of 74521 sq. km and has a population of about 22 million.
I love teaching and exploring new and creative teaching methodologies .I also love to surf the Internet. I enjoy spending time with my family.
I love to cook and entertain
I love to play badminton
I love to spend time with friends
I love to watch Television
Listen to music.
I want to be a ‘Good’ teacher, who not just teaches education but also ethics to the coming youth. And who educates his youth how to give and get respect.
I want to stay connected with the parents of my students by informing them of what is going in the class and keeping them up to date so they can help their children’s as well.
I want to have fun in my classroom and to get my students excited about learning. I want them to understand why it is so important.
Langland School and College located in Chitral, formally known as Sayurj Public School Chitral, was founded in 1979 by Geoffrey D Langland. It has a student body of about 1,000 students with about one third of students being girls. The students range in age from 4 to 18years of age.
The school is divided into three sections.The three sections are located in different buildings miles apart. The ECED (Early Childhood Education) section is located in the town of Balach. In Balach we have classes starting from nursery to Class 2nd. From 2nd to 5th grade the classes are in the town of Jung Bazar. From 5th to 12th standard the classes are in the village of Dolomuch.
The Langland school is considered the best school in our area, however there are some issues related to shortage of resources. But recently nephew of Justice Jawed Iqbal donated 10 computers each to our all sections .but unfortunately due to electricity problem we couldn’t start the computer this year. Also we don’t have a proper computer lab.But hope fully we will start them in March. In addition, we do not have sufficient resources to develop learning areas at our ECED (Early Childhood Education) Centre. We have developed different corners in our nursery class like science corner, math corner, creative art, games corner, library corner and music corner. And we don’t have enough resources in those corners. The Agha Khan Education Service provided our school with limited supplies including class materials. We also have handmade resources but they are not enough for all the students. The resources needed for these corners are:
- For science corner we need different animal toys, model of human body, plants.
- For math corner we need geometrical shapes, number boards, puzzles.
- For creative art we need water colors, glass paints, paint brushes.
- We also need sport items for our games corner.
- And finally we need story books for our library corner.
So we are struggling to overcome these problems by coordinating with different donors.
NON SIBI REFLECTIONThere are so many people in this world who live for themselves, but I believe the real pleasure is in living for others. That is what I have learnt from my parents. I really feel happy in helping others. I don’t think it will be good to tell the world what I have done well for others. I love volunteer work but I don’t want to mention that. However, today it’s my need to mention so I am doing so. There are some students in my class who need more attention. Some of their parents are working women and some are not educated so they need double attention. Usually after school I help them to do their work and try to give them some time. That is not because school is paying me that’s because the feeling of helping others is great. I always try to help others before they ask for my help. I cannot see any women standing in the bus while I ‘m sitting. I insist for her to take my seat. In my daily routine I stare at the door waiting for my father to carry his bag with him as he comes tired. I really value it when he sees me and gives a smile and Prays for me. We have 2 low class workers in our school. Whenever there is any special occasion like Eid I always bring new clothes for them just to make their Eid also special. As a teacher for me non sibi is something I enjoy doing. As a volunteer I ‘m always available to help other and to give my services to the community.
“THE MAX WARBURG COURAGE”Yesterday in our tour to Boston we visited the “Northeastern Alumni Centre” and it was an honor for us to be there and to know about Max.it was a pleasure to meet the mother of a very courage’s child named Max. The Max Warburg courage curriculum was founded in 1991 to honor the life of Max Warburg, a courageous young boy who maintained steadfast determination and heartfelt hope in the face of his battle with leukemia. After his death, Max’s parents, Stephanie and Jonathan Warburg, felt that Max’s story could be an example for other children. They worked with the Boston public school and educators around the country to develop the max Warburg courage curriculum. Since the organizations founding, the courage curriculum has positively impacted the academic performance of more than 100,000 students in the Boston public schools and surrounding communities. Elizabeth Evans the executive director gave us presentation about Max, and it was so encouraging, the curriculum was so innovative especially the part of essay writing where every student gets a chance to tell the world about their courage stories. And I am so impressed that I will definitely bring this idea back with me to Pakistan, and will arrange essay competition amongst the talented students of my school and will also try to publish them also, so that the world should also know about their talent. We also meet some respectable guests there, who were teacher s of Boston Public school. In our meeting they shared their thoughts and experiences with us and welcomed us very warmly. Over all it was a very informative tour and very great exposure.
REFLECTION “Our Visit to Washington DC My Expectation before Leaving For Washington DC:Hoping to visit White house, Capital building, state department, Pakistan Embassy, some nice shopping malls, Pakistani restaurants.After my Visit to Washington DC:It was just like a dream come true when we heard about our trip to Washington. We were so excited because it was our first visit. On Sunday 23rd of July early in the morning we left for Boston Logan airport. It took an hour to reach Washington Reagan National airport from Boston. We left for Hampton inn hotel on a shuttle. The hotel staff arranged a complimentary tea and cookies for us; it was so nice of them. We appreciated their hospitality. After taking some rest and having lunch in Kabab Palace we left for the tour of monuments and memorials on a trolley. We had a glance at the White House and US capital building. We also took pictures with the statue of Einstein. It was a great pleasure to be there. Then we visited the Lincoln memorial, Vietnam Soldiers, Jefferson Memorial and Martin Luther King’s memorial. Every memorial gave a different message of love, peace, hard work and devotion. We were invited in Adam’s All Dulles Area Muslim Centre in the evening for dinner. They arranged a great Iftar for us. We meet some great Muslim scholars there. They told us how much freedom they have to practice their faith here in America. And how much support they are getting from the people of the American community.The next day on 23rd we had breakfast and left for state department, another exciting day for us. We had a meeting with Susan Domowitz Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs Professional Fellows Division, Shahid Aman Ullah representative of Muslim community and some other staff members. We shared our experiences with them about our learning here and also came to know about the funding of PELI program from them. And at the end of the meeting we received our certificates of successful completion of our program. In the evening we left the Smithsonian. There were so many museums but due to lack of time we could just visit two museums, one was my favorite most the Air and Space Museum” a place where you feel how many talented people are existing in this world, a place where we can see different technology under the same roof.Then we went to Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. That was also a nice museum representing some very unique collection of art and some different ways of playing with colors. From there again we took the metro and arrived back to the hotel.The 24th of July was also a very busy day we had a meeting with the senators. All participants divided into two groups and went to meet different senators. Our group leader was investigator Frank, the energetic and graceful lady. It was fun being with her. We had a tour of capital building, went to the tomb of George Washington, learned about the statue of freedom, eagle the representation of America.In the evening we had a meeting with some members of the Pakistan embassy. We had a great interaction and came to know about how our people are working to make good relations with America. We also met Sheri Rehman our Foreign Minister. Although it was a very short meeting but great pleasure for us.In the evening we went for shopping in pentagon city mall, bought some souvenirs. It was a great mall but too expensive compared to New Hampshire. I enjoyed it a lot there.On 26th early in the morning we checked out from the hotel and left for Voice of America. We had a meeting with officers and also had a general tour of the news studio. The very exciting thing was we meet Yasmin Jamil there, the Urdu newscaster. I am personally a big fan of her. I listen to her daily. It was a great honor for me to be with her. In Voice of America some of our colleagues gave interviews in Urdu and Pashto as voice of America has a broadcast in both languages from Pakistan. Our journey didn’t end there; we left for Old Post House building. It was a great building having shopping malls, restaurants and of course a great view of Washington from its top. We had our lunch there, enjoyed the view of Washington from the top of the building and left for Reagan National airport. Finally we were back to Plymouth at 7pm after a great luxurious and informative trip. I am so happy, almost all my expectation come true, except the visit of white house. But no problem I achieved and enjoyed more than what I have expected. I tooked pictures with Whitehouse from outside. I hope insh Allah next time in my life I will get an opportunity to visit the White House. We took many pictures in Washington of their memorials and the nice places representing the culture and history of America. And we will share them with our friends and family soon.
To develop resources in ECED (Early Childhood Education) classroom to facilitate students learning through activity based teaching.
After my MAP my students will be able to learn by doing. It will make their learning process effective and sustainable. And it will also make my classroom environment attractive and resourceful for my students.
We follow high scope approach to teach students of early childhood education (ECED) class in our school which is based on active learning. To facilitate active learning we follow daily routine in the classroom. This active learning daily routine approach demands us to provide lots of opportunities and resources to students to do activities and construct their learning by developing learning areas in class. This daily routine has important component called “Plan, Do and Review Time” where students plan their own activity in a group , go different learning areas, find resources according to their plan activity, perform the activity in the group and present their activity to the whole class. I also teach them how to read and write through audio visual aid. I give them ample amount of time to do hands on and minds on activities which need the resources. I also read out a story and ask questions related to the story in order to engage the students. Therefore, we need resources for different subject areas to facilitate students learning. Through this grand I will develop resources in the early childhood education (ECED) classroom.
As activity based learning is important in every class so I want to conduct sessions with teachers in order to tell them the importance of resources development and utilization in the early childhood Education (ECED) class.
Sessions | Activity | Strategy | Resource required | Timeline |
Purchasing of identified resources | I will purchase the items by myself from Peshawar. | List of the items (see the given list below in Apendix1) | Two weeks | |
Orientation session with teachers | Presentation on importance of resources development and utilization in the ECED class | Multi media (I will hire it from AKESP) (refreshment) | One day(2hours session) | |
Session with teacher on Resources development | Resource development by utilizing the available the low cost no cost material | Scrape paper, trash,colour pencils, flipcharts, glue, thermapoal (refreshment ) | One day (2hours session) | |
4 | Identification of resources for ECED class | Group work/pairs. Teachers of each subject areas will sit together, brainstorms and develop resources. | Chart, markers trash | One day (2hours session) |
5 | Utilization of the resources in class | Group work, story reading, use of resources available in class | Story books, charts, colors, erasers, toys, Puzzles. | One week Five days ( 3 hours classes daily) |
I have made a list of the resources which I will be purchasing for my Classroom besides the resource which may come up after discussion with my teachers .
Charts (Flip charts and readymade charts) | 10$ | I want to implement activity base learning because ECED (Early Childhood Education) totally focuses on activity works. |
Tape recorder (for playing poems and the sounds of alphabets) | 10$ | |
Scissors (for fine motor Skills) | 5$ | |
Audio cassettes of poems | 3$ | |
Color (water colors, crayons and pencil colors) | 10$ | |
Toys (animals, plants, machineries etc.) | 20$ | |
Sports items (ball, bat, skipping ropes) | 10$ | |
Building Blocks | 10$ | |
Cartoon CD’s | 5$ | |
Story books | 20$ | |
Puzzles | 30$ | |
Play dough | 5$ | |
Big books | 30$ | |
Fruits and vegetable dominos | 20$ | |
Tools set | 15$ | |
Kitchen set | 5$ | |
Carpenter set | 10$ | |
Gardner set | 10$ | |
Wooden blocks and shapes | 10$ | |
Abacus | 10$ | |
Numbers and shape toys | 10$ | |
Model of different system of human body | 30$ | |
Life cycle model of insect | 20$ | |
Flash card of three and two letter words | 10$ | |
Tea | rs30$ | |
Snacks | rs20$ |
Color pencils, | 5$ | ||
Thermopol | 20$ | ||
flip charts | 20$ | ||
Scrape paper | 5$ | ||
Hiring multimedia | 40$ | ||
others | 21$ |
TOTAL=500 $
- Greeting
- Attendance
- Calendar
- Prayer
- Poem
- Concept time(activities in groups)
- Rules for this game
- Keep patience
- Waiting for their turn
- Corner time
WORK TIME (40mins)
Facilitate children learning in the corner by
- Asking questions
- Discussions
- Involving them in a task .
RECALL TIME (20mins)
- Presentation of their work
TIDY UP TIME (5mins)
SNACK TIME (20mins)
- Lunch prayer
- Lunch
- Asking questions
- Activity
FAREWELL TIME (5-10mins)
Recap of the whole day activities.
Agenda of the workshop and list of activities to be undertaken during the activity based learning, are not mentioned in the MAP. please mention them so that suggestions may be extended from other PELI fellows.
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